Mission, TX | (956) 458-9399


Prep your ride for the blooming season with our spring vehicle maintenance tips! AMSOIL Dealer - Oils RGV in Mission shares expert tips on fluid checks, brake care, and more. Read on to learn more!

As spring arrives, it's time to enjoy some sunny drives and breezy adventures. But before you hit the road, you must check your car thoroughly. Why, you ask? Well, winter can be harsh on your vehicle, causing hidden issues that may affect its performance and safety. Think of road salt causing rust and chilly temperatures messing with your battery and tire pressure – you get the drift. So, grab your toolkit and join us as we go through some easy spring vehicle maintenance tips. By the end, you'll have the know-how to ensure your car is all set for the upcoming sunny season. Ready? Let's dive in!

Worried about engine wear and tear? Don't settle for ordinary oil! Contact AMSOIL Dealer - Oils RGV at (956) 458-9399 to find the perfect formula for your car. Or shop online for hassle-free refills. Drive worry-free; choose the top-performing synthetic oil in Mission!

Oil and Filter Change

Spring marks a switch to summer driving, with longer trips and hotter conditions. So, opt for a lighter oil viscosity to keep things running smoothly. That way, you'll ensure your engine is well-lubricated and protected throughout the warmer months. Refer to your owner's manual for the right type of oil. Oh, and don't forget the oil filter, the trusty sidekick that traps grime. Check for leaks after you've done – a little drip can lead to a big engine weep!

Fluid Frenzy

Your car isn't just fueled by gasoline and oil – it thirsts for a symphony of vital fluids! At the top of your checklist are coolant, brake fluid, transmission fluid, and power steering fluid. Each has its purpose and level requirements, so consult your manual for specifics. Open those reservoirs carefully, check the color and clarity, and top up cautiously if needed. Look for any leaks or unusual smells, which could indicate bigger issues.

Tire Talk

Proper tire maintenance is a double win – it saves you money on fuel and keeps you safely planted on the road. Start by checking tire pressure with a gauge. If needed, adjust inflation to the recommended PSI levels. Don't forget the spare! Next, visually inspect your tires for uneven wear, cracks, or tread depth below the legal limit. Consider a professional tire check and rotation to ensure even wear and tear if anything looks fishy.

Wiper Woes

Don't let worn-out wiper blades ruin your rainy-day adventures this spring! If your blades streak, skip, or squeak, it's time to replace them. Check your owner's manual or visit a nearby auto parts store for expert guidance on handling worn-out wipers. The right blades will snugly fit your windshield, leaving it spotless.

Looking to provide your engine with the best possible care and protection? Try AMSOIL Signature Series 0W-40 100% Synthetic Motor Oil and experience the difference! Get this and other top-notch formulas at AMSOIL Dealer - Oils RGV in Mission anytime. Call them at (956) 458-9399 or shop online at AMSOIL's e-store – your car will thank you!

Battery Bonanza

Your car's battery powers everything from the engine to the lights and radio. Make sure it's in good shape by inspecting it thoroughly. Watch out for corrosion around the terminals; if spotted, clean with a wire brush and baking soda solution. Keep terminals clean and tight for optimal performance. And lastly, test the battery voltage; anything below 12.3 volts may mean it's time for a new one.

Air is Essential

Just like you wouldn't want to breathe dusty air, neither does your car's engine! The air filter traps dust and debris before they reach your engine. Check it regularly, and replace it when it's visibly dirty or clogged. It's a quick and inexpensive task that can make a big difference in your car's health all year round.

Brake Check

Your brakes are your ticket to safety, so don't take them for granted. Give your brake pads a quick look to see if they're wearing out, and make sure the brake fluid is where it should be. If you notice any grinding noises or weird vibrations when you hit the brakes, get a pro to check it out ASAP. Stay safe out there!

Sparkle and Shine

Finally, give your car a good wash and wax to remove winter grime and protect the paintwork from the sun's rays. Clean your windows inside and out to enjoy a crystal-clear view, and vacuum and disinfect the inside to make it feel inviting. And hey, don't overlook your air vents—clean them up for fresh air that keeps everyone breathing easily. Enjoy the sparkle and shine!

We hope you have found our spring vehicle maintenance tips helpful. Remember that AMSOIL's got your back this season! Call AMSOIL Dealer - Oils RGV in Mission at (956) 458-9399 to find the best car care products. Alternatively, place your order at AMSOIL's online store for ultimate convenience.