Just like any vehicle or large purchase, when you buy a motorbike, you want to make sure that you are getting the best deal for your money and the best product for your needs. However, this is often easier said than done for those who are truly new to the world of motorcycles.

If this sounds like you, and you are looking for starting points on buying your first motorbike, you are in the right place.
Oils RGV has a post to share with tips to help get you started.
What Sort of Bike Do You Need?
The first thing that you want to ask yourself is what type of bike you actually need. Consider the types of activities you envisage doing with your bike and be sure to get one well suited to your needs. While it can be tempting to dream of cinematic adventures, try and keep your thinking grounded to what you will actually use it for, day-to-day.
You Can't Do Enough Research
Once you know the type of motorbike you are looking for, it's time to start researching. Sites which allow you to compare bikes are going to be a powerful tool in differentiating your options and finding one which power and options match your needs. When comparing bikes between manufacturers, be sure that they use the same methods of measurement to keep your comparisons true.
Take Your Research Further
Of course, the specs can only provide you with a limited amount of information. To find out how each bike rides and what owners can expect, check out online motorbike group forums. Many forums will have a space where new riders can ask questions and gain feedback on the selection of bikes being looked at.
Previous owners are your best resource when it comes to knowing about the expected
level of maintenance and mechanic visits, along with any specific riding tips or cautions.
Once you have your ride, take care of it with regular maintenance and the best engine products.
Speak with
Oils RGV at
(956) 458-9399 and ask about the
range of engine lubricants geared towards motorcycles.
Time to Try
Once you have a solid selection of bikes you are interested in, it's time to actually give them a try. Pay attention to items such as the seat height, how comfortable it is for you to reach the handles, how well the bike sits underneath you, and the weight distribution of the bike. These items will give you a good guide on what it will be like to ride.
When trying out bikes, remember that the bike which is best suited to you may not be the best bike on paper, or even the most expensive.
Not something that you want to think about, but your ongoing insurance costs can be a large determiner on whether you can afford to actually ride your new bike. When speaking with various insurance agencies, ask each one about any threshold criteria they may have. You could find that the right selections when it comes time to choose engine power, and accessories could help you keep your monthly premiums as low as possible.
Buying the right safety gear is just as crucial to riding as buying the bike itself. If you thought that you could use your jeans and a fashion leather jacket you have in the closet, then think again. These items are great for regular use but aren't designed to protect you in the event of a collision. Check out your local motorcycle store for purpose designed gear, such as:
- Motorbike Helmet (ask a store member to help find the right size)
- Motorbike Jacket (with reinforcements in the elbow)
- Motorbike Pants (with reinforcements in the knee)
- Motorbike Boots
- Motorbike Gloves
Motorbike is mentioned in each of those items because it's crucial you get the right gear for you. Additionally, if you are looking to personalize your bike, consider buying reflective and bright stickers and decals which can draw drivers attention to your presence and help increase your safety on the road.
Keep Your Bike Running for Longer With a Synthetic Oil Change in Mission
Once you have your bike and are enjoying the adventures it allows, be sure to keep up with regular maintenance and fluid changes. Letting your engine run dirty can decrease performance and engine life.
To get products designed to extend the lifespan of your bike and increase its performance,
speak with Oils RGV at
(956) 458-9399 and ask about the range of
motorcycle focused engine lubricants.