Mission, TX | (956) 458-9399


 Regular oil changes are crucial for enhancing your car's lifespan. Do you want to knowhow to change your oilon your own? Check out this post byAMSOIL Dealer - Oils RGV in Mission.

Regular oil changes are more than just routine tasks; they're essential for preventing engine damage, ensuring optimal performance, and extending the lifespan of your car. Considering all that, this post will show youhow to change your oil, empowering you to take charge of your vehicle's well-being. Keep scrolling to learn more!

Unleash your engine's full potential by giving it high-quality lubricants, like AMSOIL's Signature Series 0W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil. Want to learn more about this and other premium oils?Stop by AMSOIL's online store anytime! And for personalized advice, don't hesitate to contact AMSOIL Dealer - Oils RGV in Mission at (956) 458-9399.

The Significance of Engine Oil Maintenance

Consider engine oil as the lifeblood of your vehicle. Its role extends far beyond simply preventing friction. Proper lubrication is essential to regulate the engine's temperature and remove impurities that can build up over time. Having clean and high-quality oil in your machine ensures smooth operation and maximizes fuel efficiency and overall performance. On the other hand, failing to maintain the oil in your vehicle regularly can result in heightened friction, excessive overheating, and early deterioration of critical engine components.

Frequency of Oil Changes

So, how often should you change your oil? It depends on several factors. While the old rule used to be changing oil every 3,000 miles, modern vehicles and advanced oil life monitoring systems have changed the game. Regardless, it is always highly recommended to follow the guidelines provided by your vehicle manufacturer. This is especially important when considering crucial factors such as the age of your car and your specific driving conditions.

Gathering the Tools and Materials

Before you get your hands oily, gather your tools and materials. You'll need wrenches, an oil filter, fresh oil, an oil pan, gloves, and rags. Remember, using the right type and grade of oil, as recommended by your car's manufacturer, is crucial. It's like giving your vehicle a tailored spa treatment.

Ready to experience peak engine performance? Switch to the best synthetic oil in Mission and feel the difference. Call AMSOIL Dealer - Oils RGV at (956) 458-9399 for expert advice on optimizing your engine's lifespan and performance. Additionally, remember you can quickly restock your supplies by placing an order on AMSOIL's online shop.

Step-by-Step Guide: Changing Your Motor Oil

  1. Prepare Your Vehicle: Start by finding a level surface to park your car and engage the parking brake. Open the hood and locate the oil filler cap – usually labeled "oil."
  2. Drain the Old Oil: Slide the oil pan beneath the engine oil drain plug, typically located on the bottom of your engine. Carefully remove the plug and let the old oil flow out completely. Once drained, secure the drain plug back in place.
  3. Replace the Oil Filter: Your oil filter's job is to catch impurities, so it's essential to change it. Find the oil filter (usually near the drain plug) and use an oil filter wrench to remove it. Apply a thin layer of new oil to the rubber gasket of the new filter and screw it on by hand until snug. Tighten it about 3/4 of a turn more – no need to go Hulk mode.
  4. Add New Oil: Check your vehicle manual for the recommended oil type and capacity. Remove the oil filler cap and pour in the new oil using a funnel. Give it a few minutes to settle, then check the oil level using the dipstick. You're aiming for that sweet spot between the minimum and maximum marks.
  5. Dispose of Old Oil Responsibly: Don't just pour that used oil down the drain – that's an environmental no-no. Carefully pour it from the oil pan into a sealed container. Then, take that container to a recycling center or an auto parts store for proper disposal.

Always remember that your vehicle deserves the utmost care, and you hold the power to influence its longevity and performance greatly. So roll up your sleeves and embark on the journey of DIY oil changes – your car will thank you!

Now that you knowhow to change your oil, reach out to the pros at AMSOIL Dealer - Oils RGV in Mission for personalized advice on the perfect blend for your engine. Call them at (956) 458-9399 today and optimize your car's performance and longevity. Don't forget to browse AMSOIL's virtual store for all your vehicle maintenance needs!