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 One of the best things you can do to be a safe and responsible driver is to learn about your car's dashboard lights. To that end, keep reading this post by Oils RGV in Mission.

Like most drivers, you surely know that whendashboard lightscome on, it means something is wrong with the vehicle. Thus, it can be stressful when they appear, especially if you're not sure what they mean or how to react to them. Of course, you can reduce the likelihood of seeing these pesky lights by keeping your car in perfect condition. Still, understanding the function of each warning light is critical to being a responsible driver. With that in mind, this post will cover the most common dashboard lights, what they indicate, and what to do when they come on.

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What Do the Dashboard Lightsin Your Car Mean?

Brake Warning Light

The brake warning light appears as a red exclamation point within a circle. At times, it comes on accidentally when the parking brake is engaged. Yet, it usually means that the brake system is losing hydraulic pressure, which can be hazardous. In any case, please don't ignore it. If you ever see this light come on, take your car straight to a certified shop. That way, you can get your brake system checked and repaired by an expert. Failure to do so could lead you to lose control over the car's brakes and put yourself and others at risk.

Temperature Warning Light

This light typically looks like a red or yellow thermometer floating on water. When it shows up on the dashboard, it means your engine is running at a too-high temperature. Therefore, you must act quickly to prevent your engine from overheating. If you ever see this light, pull over. Wait for the engine to cool down before attempting to open the hood. Once it is safe to check the coolant level, have a look and top it off with some water if needed. Then go to the nearest certified shop to diagnose your cooling system by an expert. Not doing so could lead your car to further engine damage caused by overheating, so don't risk it.

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Oil Pressure Warning Light

As you can tell, the purpose of this light is to warn you of oil issues. It typically looks like an oil can or genie lamp with a tiny droplet coming out of it. When it comes on, it can mean one of two things: either your engine has low oil pressure, or the oil pressure sending unit has failed. Whatever the cause, you should stop the car as soon as this light appears. Wait a few minutes for the engine to cool off, then check the oil level. If the oil level is ok, the problem may be with the oil pressure sending unit, which is a minor matter. On the other hand, a low level could indicate that the engine is leaking oil, which is a more severe issue. Either way, make sure to get your car to a shop as soon as possible.

Battery Charge Warning Light

This light appears as a battery with plus and minus signs, and indicates that the vehicle is short of power, so you shouldn't overlook it. When this light comes on, the first thing to do is turn off the radio, AC, and other electrical components. You can also stop the car and check the battery terminals to ensure they are clean and tight. If you have a multimeter, check the alternator's voltage output. If you need help figuring out the problem, have your go-to mechanic look into it.

Check Engine Light

This dashboard light is one of the list's most popular yet misunderstood. At first glance, it looks like a yellow or orange engine block with the word "CHECK" or "SERVICE" next to it. The main thing to notice about this light is that it indicates a wide range of issues, from a minor inconvenience like a loose gas cap to a dire engine malfunction. As such, the best thing to do is to get over to the shop and have your car checked by a certified mechanic.

Rev up your engine with the top synthetic oil in Mission! For advice on which formulas suit your rig the best, call Oils RGV at (956) 458-9399 anytime. Want to discover all the fantastic products that AMSOIL has to offer? Check out the online store!