Mission, TX | (956) 458-9399


Don't let distractions steer you wrong! AMSOIL Dealer - Oils RGV in Mission offers must-know tips to prevent distracted driving. Keep yourself and others safe on the road!

Sunshine, wide-open roads, and the wind in your hair – sounds like a perfect Texas road trip, right? But before you hit the gas, remember: Distracted driving can turn that wide-open freedom into a dusty detour. Considering the above, this article will share the best tips to prevent distracted driving. We'll explore the dangers of taking your eyes off the road, your hands off the wheel, or your mind off the drive. We'll also share practical tips to keep you focused. So, buckle up and get ready to learn how to drive like a pro – distraction-free!

Keep your car running like new with AMSOIL synthetic oil. Call AMSOIL Dealer - Oils RGV in Mission at (956) 458-9399 to find the perfect formula for your car! Also, remember you can stock up on more car care essentials at AMSOIL's online store!

The Many Faces of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving simply means taking your attention away from the road while operating a vehicle. It comes in many forms, and each one can be dangerous. Here's a look at the most common culprits:
  • Visual Distractions: Texting, talking on the phone, fiddling with the radio – these all take your eyes off the road, even for a split second. That's all it takes to miss a crucial traffic signal or a stopped car.
  • Cognitive Distractions: Daydreaming about that weekend getaway or having a heated debate with a passenger might seem harmless, but your mind needs to be focused on the road.
  • Manual Distractions: Reaching for a dropped phone, grabbing a coffee from the cup holder, or adjusting your makeup can take your hands away from the wheel, leaving you unprepared for sudden maneuvers.

The High Cost of a Lapse in Concentration

Distracted driving isn't just a minor inconvenience; it's a leading cause of accidents in The Lone Star State. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, distractions caused a lot of crashes last year - nearly 1 in 6! Sadly, almost 400 people died, and over 2,700 were badly hurt. These numbers are sobering, but the true cost goes beyond statistics.

Looking to unleash your car's full potential? AMSOIL Signature Series 0W-16 Synthetic Oil is the answer! This premium formula unlocks peak engine performance while providing exceptional wear protection. Grab yours at Oils RGV in Mission, (956) 458-9399, or shop AMSOIL online for more high-quality car care products!

Staying Focused on the Road: Texan-Sized Tips

Here's the good news: staying focused on the road is achievable. Let's put those driving skills to use with these practical tips:
  • Plan Ahead: Set your GPS before you hit the road, pack some snacks and drinks, and if you gotta make a call, designate a passenger as your official "phone guy" (or gal!).
  • Silence the Ringer: Put your phone on silent or do not disturb, or better yet, place it in your glove compartment or purse to avoid temptation!
  • Utilize Voice Commands: Modern cars are fancy contraptions – use voice commands for your GPS, phone calls, and even music selection. Let your voice do the work!
  • Pull Over Safely: If you need to use your phone or deal with a distraction, make sure to find a safe place to pull over first. It's a few extra minutes out of your day, but it could save your life (or someone else's).

Tech Hacks for Staying Hands-Free

Technology can be our friend when it comes to staying focused. Here are some tech-savvy ways to keep your hands on the wheel:
  • As mentioned above, utilize voice commands for navigation and phone calls.
  • Invest in a phone mount for hands-free access in case of an emergency.
  • Explore car features like Bluetooth connectivity, voice-activated music, and climate control controls.

The Driver's Pledge: Be Responsible

Lastly, let's make a pact! We pledge to drive responsibly: No distractions, all focus on the road! Share this pledge with your friends and family; let's raise awareness and keep our roads safe.


Remember, responsible driving habits are the ultimate car care. Every Texan driver has a role to play in creating a safer driving environment for ourselves and our fellow motorists. So, put down the phone, focus on the road, and let's make Texas highways a place where everyone gets to reach their destination safely. Now that's something to be proud of!

Minimize distractions with reliable, long-lasting AMSOIL synthetic lubricants. Call Oils RGV in Mission at (956) 458-9399 or browse AMSOIL's e-store to keep your car running smoothly and your eyes on the road. Prevent distracted driving, prioritize safety – choose AMSOIL!