This article contains tips for anybody interested in trying a dirt bike for the first time. It includes information on what to expect from the bike and how to prepare for the general riding experience.
How to Make Less Rookie Mistakes When Getting on Your First Dirt Bike
So you're interested in trying out a dirt bike? Maybe the upcoming AMSOIL Arenacross season has got you excited to see if you're up to the challenge? Whatever the reason for your interest in trying out a dirt bike,
Oils RGV has some beginners tips for you to read before you get on and potentially fall right off again.
Get the Right Gear
Before you get on any bike, you're going to need the right gear. If you already own some road bike gear, then you can adapt a lot of it for your dirt bike. However, there are some differences. Here are the basics of what you will need:
- Leather riding pants that allow for a lot of movement (this will come up later in the article)
- A leather riding jacket, similarly designed for maximum movement
- A riding helmet
- Riding goggles
- Riding boots
- Gloves
Get Ready to Stand Up. A lot
Have you ever noticed that motocross riders are rarely ever sitting in their seats? The rapidly changing ground and constantly need to maneuver through tight spots means they need the agility that crouching and standing affords in order to shift their balance continuously.
Whether it's a road bike or a pedal-bike, take it out to an open space and practice riding in a position similar to motocross riders. It's going to feel strange at first, but you'll soon understand its benefits.
Slow and Steady
Do you want to know the quickest way to fall off a dirt bike before you've barely left the starting line? Pulling too hard on the throttle. Where road bike riders have become accustomed to applying pressure for the tarmac, every time you pull the throttle on a dirt bike, the terrain conditions are going to be different and always changing.
If you have a road bike, take it out to some dirt paths and gravel streets to get a feel for how different it feels to accelerate. If you don't have a road bike, the best advice is in the title - slow and steady. No beginner should ever be in a rush, so take your time to get a feel for starting off when you get your bike.
If you do have a road bike, it's important to remember that the motor oil you use inside it might not be suited to a dirt bike. Oils like
AMSOIL's 10W-40 Synthetic Dirt Bike Oil have been purpose designed to provide dirt bike rider benefits such as consistent clutch feel.
If you are unsure,
check out the online store for more information or
speak with an expert at
Oils RGV by calling
(956) 458-9399. When it comes to any type of engine, it's better to get the right product instead of taking a chance.
Always Think About What's Ahead
While nobody is going so far as to say that riding a road bike is a laid back experience, once you reach cruising speed and gear, it's generally smooth sailing. On a dirt bike, however, riders are constantly looking at what's ahead, and preparing for a gear change at just the right moment to get the torque they need.
Whether it's a road bike or a pedal-bike, take it to a track with small turns and practice short burst of riding where you only go up one gear before needing to gear down again.
Very Regular Maintenance
While it isn't technically a tip to help you get on a dirt bike, it is one which you should keep in mind if you're looking to get one. Dirt bikes require a lot more maintenance than an average road bike. A lot. If you think about the condition that you see Motorcross riders take their bikes through, and even the ones you're dreaming of doing, the bike takes a hit. Frequent air filter cleans and replacements along with regular oil changes are what's ahead. Not that this should turn you off getting one, but better that you're
aware of the type of maintenance you're getting yourself into.
All Bikes Can Benefit From a Synthetic Oil Change in McAllen
Just like a road bike, the higher quality of product you put in the bike, the better the performance you'll see out of it.
Check out the online store for products like AMSOIL's 10W-40 Synthetic Dirt Bike Oil or call
(956) 458-9399 and
speak with an oil change expert at
Oils RGV about the best product to put in your bike.