Mission, TX | (956) 458-9399


 Avoid car care mistakes for a smoother drive! From neglecting oil changes to DIY pitfalls, AMSOIL Dealer - Oils RGV in Mission covers them all. Read on to learn more!

Let's talk about the heartbeat of your daily journeys—your car! Taking good care of it is super important. It's not just about avoiding surprise breakdowns; it's also about making the most of your ride and saving money on repairs down the road. So, join us as we check out some commoncar care mistakes. We'll also spill the beans on how to keep your ride in tip-top condition and spare your wallet from unnecessary expenses. Ready? Let's roll!

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Steer Clear of These Car Maintenance Pitfalls

Neglecting Regular Oil Changes

One of the most fundamental mistakes is neglecting regular oil changes. Think of oil as your engine's lifeblood. Regular changes ensure smooth operation, prevent wear, and enhance overall performance. Skipping this vital task can lead to increased friction, engine damage, and decreased fuel efficiency. Aim for an oil change every 3,000 to 5,000 miles, depending on your vehicle and the type of oil used.

Ignoring Tire Maintenance

Taking care of your tires isn't just about avoiding flat tires—it's a big deal for saving fuel and staying safe. If your tires are underinflated, your car uses more gas, and if they're overinflated, you might lose some grip and safety. Getting regular tire rotations and alignments helps spread out the wear and tear, making your tires last longer. So, keeping an eye on your tires isn't just a good idea; it's a smart move for a smoother ride and better gas mileage.

Neglecting Brake System Checks

Making sure your brakes are in good shape is crucial for staying safe on the road. If you overlook this, it could lead to severe problems. Look at your brake pads, rotors, and fluid levels regularly. Don't ignore signs like squeaking or less responsive braking. It's really important to fix any brake problems immediately so you can safely stop when needed.

Overlooking Fluid Checks

Various fluids keep your car running smoothly. From coolant to transmission fluid, maintaining proper levels is crucial. Low or contaminated fluids can lead to overheating, transmission issues, and overall system failure. To avoid that, check and change fluids based on your vehicle's recommended schedule.

Upgrade your engine's vitality with AMSOIL Extended-Life 10W-30 100% Synthetic Motor Oil. Order this superior formula effortlessly from AMSOIL's online store. Or, reach out to AMSOIL Dealer - Oils RGV in Mission at (956) 458-9399 for a closer look at other choices. Your engine will thank you!

Skipping Regular Air Filter Replacements

Air filters play a crucial role in your engine's performance. A clogged filter reduces airflow, decreasing fuel efficiency and engine stress. Replace air filters according to your vehicle's manual, typically every 12,000 to 15,000 miles, to ensure optimal performance.

Ignoring Warning Lights

Make sure you keep an eye on your car's dashboard warning lights—they're like little alarms that tell you if something might be up with your vehicle. If you ignore them, it could lead to big problems, so it's smart to know the common issues and do something about them ASAP. It's always better to take care of things early on to avoid expensive repairs in the future.

Using Incorrect or Low-Quality Parts

Using the wrong or low-quality parts can be a big problem. Make sure to go for OEM or high-quality aftermarket parts instead. Picking the right components not only improves performance but also avoids future issues. Investing in quality parts is a smart move to keep your vehicle running smoothly for a long time.

Overlooking the Battery

Your car's electrical system relies on a good, healthy battery. If you notice your engine cranking slowly or the lights getting dim, it might be a sign your battery needs attention. Make it a habit to check your battery and its terminals regularly. Taking simple steps like keeping the terminals clean and ensuring tight connections can help your battery last longer.

Neglecting the Cooling System

Your engine counts on the cooling system to keep it from getting too hot. Make it a habit to check the radiator and coolant levels regularly. Stick to your vehicle's maintenance plan for flushing and changing this important fluid. Taking care of your cooling system in advance is like giving your engine a good health boost.

Failing to Follow the Owner's Manual

Your car's owner's manual is like a goldmine of maintenance tips. It provides specific guidelines tailored to your vehicle. If you brush it off, you might miss out on important stuff like when to change your oil or what fluids your car needs. So, it's best to give it a read!

Attempting to Service Your Own Vehicle without the Proper Know-How

Trying to fix your car on your own is a common trend, but tackling complicated repairs without the right know-how can cause trouble. Mistakes in tricky fixes might make things worse. Know what you can handle, get expert help for big repairs, and stick to easier tasks if you're into DIY. It's about finding the right mix of hands-on care and expert advice.

Feel free to use and share this post as a guide to steering clear of commoncar maintenance mistakes. For more tips on how to keep your vehicle in top shape, call AMSOIL Dealer - Oils RGV in Mission at (956) 458-9399. Also, remember you can explore the finest car care supplies anytime at AMSOIL's virtual store.