Mission, TX | (956) 458-9399


If you are ready to become a car owner, keep reading this post by Ed Welliver in Mission to learn a few crucial aspects you must consider before buying a car.

Are you seeking a more independent, safe, and flexible way to move around town? If so, you might be ready to get a vehicle. Of course, buying a car entails a hefty expense; thus, you must consider a few factors to pick the right vehicle and make the wisest financial decision. If you like this topic and need some advice to navigate your car purchase smoothly, continue reading this post by Ed Welliver.

Protect your engine against premature wear and horsepower loss by feeding it with a top-quality formula, like AMSOIL's Signature Series 0W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil. Browse AMSOIL's online store or call Ed Welliver at (956) 458-9399 to place an order for the top synthetic oil in Mission.

What to Consider Before Buying a Car

First, Assess Your Budget

Start by calculating how much you can afford to pay for your first vehicle. When budgeting, remember that the car's sales price is one part of the estimate. You must include a few extra fees on the vehicle maintenance, for instance, the gas monthly payments or the annual service fees. Likewise, it would be best to consider the insurance policy, the taxes, and interest rates. Budgeting may be daunting, yet, you can use mobile apps and online budgeting tools to ease the process. What matters the most is to grasp your total budget so that your monthly payments feel comfortable and reasonable. In that regard, you should know that financial experts recommend spending no more than 15% of a take-home income on the payment of a vehicle. That said, be realistic about your budget and spend wisely.

Think of Your Needs

Once you figure out your budget, ask yourself what you need your first car to do for you. For example, let's say you love to go on overland adventures and camping with friends. In that case, you'd want to choose an SUV capable of traversing challenging and even steep trails. Likewise, suppose you must drive your 2 or 3 kids to school and practices every day. In such a scenario, you might do well with a sedan or minivan. If you're like most first-time car buyers, you may only need a comfortable and fuel-efficient car to get around town. Whatever the case, it's critical that you determine your needs to narrow down your options and get on the right track to make the best decision.

Keep your vehicle running safely and smoothly by giving it the top-performing synthetic oil in Mission. Reach out to Ed Welliver at (956) 458-9399, and ask their oil pros about the best products for your vehicle. Don't forget to browse AMSOIL's online store to place an order for the top formulas for your vehicle's routine maintenance.

New or Used?

Another critical decision you must make is choosing between a new or used car. Of course, buying a new car is the dream of many. Although it's the more expensive option, a new vehicle involves lower maintenance costs, low mileage, the latest technological features, and the smell of a new car that we all love. As for its disadvantages, its low resale price stands out. As you may already know, a new car depreciates by approximately 10% once it leaves the dealership. If you decide to buy a new car, you should check the resale price of the same model in its previous versions. This way, you will have the option to look for and choose the one with the lowest depreciation rate. On the other hand, used cars have many advantages as well. Besides being affordable, those with low mileage can be as good as a new one. Yet, the disadvantage of buying a used car is its lack of reliability. You never know if the pre-loved vehicle you intend to buy has a fault or damage caused by the carelessness of the former owner. That's why, if you decide to go for a used car, you should check its condition with the help and advice of a trusted mechanic.

Take Test Drives

At this point, you've probably narrowed your choices to 2 or 3 vehicles you like. That said, schedule a test drive with each one. If your choices are used cars, contact the seller to request a test drive on a lightly traveled street. If you want to test drive a new car, you can call the dealer to book a test drive or schedule it yourself on the website. During the test drive, notice how comfortable the driver's seat is. Also, pay attention to how the car feels when you brake, turn, or speed up. If you note strange noises, vibrations from the steering wheel, or the vehicle wobbling during certain driving maneuvers, rule out that option from your list. Instead, the ride should feel safe, efficient, and smooth.

Finally, Take Your Time to Decide

Our last recommendation is to take as much time as you need to negotiate and make your final buy decision. Looking at cars and taking test drives can be such a fun and exciting experience that you may feel encouraged to make an impulsive buy. Remember, however, that buying a vehicle is no small expense. Thus, it's wise to take the time to review the pros and cons of each option. Also, remember to ask for a complete breakdown of all taxes and fees associated with each car you consider purchasing. Doing so will allow you to make a final comparison and thus make the right decision.

After buying a car, stay on top of its maintenance by giving it the most effective synthetic oil change in Mission. Call Ed Welliver at (956) 458-9399 or browse AMSOIL's online store to buy top-shelf formulas and products for its care.